Friday, July 12, 2013

Why I've chosen writing.

I've decided to start writing recently because I don't want to hide anymore. I want others to be a part of my life again. For too long I've been hiding myself, afraid of what others would do if they knew certain things about me. Using that knowledge against me and rendering me powerless. I know now that only I have the ability to give my power.

I have this dream of becoming a writer and writing a few fictional books. One day I had this strong urge to write and share my stories. You could say that I am practicing my writing through this blog. Just with this blog, I am realizing the time and dedication I would need to have my dream be accomplished. I feel that every dream needs work in order for it to become a reality. My writing could inspire others, but I don't want to get too ahead of myself...

This wasn't a rather large post, sometimes you don't need a whole lot of words to say something meaningful. Everyone has something to share, so I would like to share my own experiences, thoughts and dreams, hoping that others are willing to listen.

I hope you all enjoy whatever content the future of this blog will have.
Until then, stay posted!

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