Friday, July 19, 2013

Let's do the time-warp!: Things I would tell my younger self

Time warp instructions

Sometimes there's just something you wish you had told yourself back then, that would've saved you weeks, months, or even years of frustration, anger, grief and all those other nasty emotions we all dislike.
Here are a few things I would fix:

"Find an active activity you like, eat less to no breads and sugars, go paleo if needed":
Currently, I am a good... 80 pounds overweight. Losing weight is an obstacle and I when can't get the scale to budge, it feels like I'm wrong for trying to lose weight. 'If I'd only just been better to my body when I was younger, it wouldn't be this bad'.
I have been overweight pretty much all my life. Even if I had been more active, like in high-school, I would still be slightly overweight. It would have been so great to have found an activity I would have liked, like Larping or parkour when I was younger.

"Stop wearing black, read up on fashion, get a hair straightener and get some bangs":
Because I am so pasty white and have red hair, I prefer darker colors. It would have done me a great service to have added more color and had more 'style'. I just really needed some sort of style that wasn't just jeans and a T-shirt.
Also, my hair is thick and coarse, so straightening is a godsend. I always wore it in a ponytail. It would have looked so much better loose, and with bangs, like I wear it now.

"Find a few people you can become close friends with, and hang-out often":
Like in my previous post about friendship, I made the mistake in school to have a lot of acquaintances. If I gave myself this advice I hopefully would have had a close knit group of friends in high school that would hopefully last for a long time.

"Don't go looking for a relationship, please wait, become yourself, and love will come.":
I have a confession to make. My first serious relationship was secretly planned by me.
When I graduated high school, still being a single virgin, I decided to force my way to have a relationship. I found a guy, semi-stalked, found out his name, and PM'ed him on Facebook. We then proceeded to date, become a couple, lost virginity, etc...
He wasn't the type of guy I should have been with to begin with, he was messy, a know-it-all, and somewhat of a jerk. When I finally ended up letting my walls come down and start to fall in love, he dumped me because he fell out of love with me. Leaving me with a broken heart, it hurt like hell, but it was going to happen eventually.
It would have been better to have become more "me", let guys come after me, and court me the natural way. I would've been happier, had more options, and less heartbreak.

"Just because you're intimate with a guy, doesn't mean he's looking for a relationship":
This would have given me back about a year of heartache. There was this other guy, (there's always this one guy, right?). I immediately liked him from first sight, he seemed to have this magnetic pull about him. However, he wasn't into a relationship. Somehow, I became intimate with him, and things just continued that way.
He wouldn't call me, I'd have to call him or message him on AIM. When we did hang out, we'd always become intimate, but it frustrated me to no end why we weren't in a relationship.
In my head my head I had this equation [Sex = Relationship] (or I really, really like you enough to want to mush bodies together and share my life with you...).
I kept breaking my own heart, over-thinking about possibilities and under-thinking when I was with him.
Had I been smarter, that whole incident would've been avoided from the start.

"You're more beautiful when you smile":
One day when walking by a mirror, smiling about something I was thinking about, when I noticed my reflection while passing. I stopped, looked back at my face and thought "You really are more beautiful when you smile". I immediately posted that quote on Facebook and Twitter to remind myself of that day.
When I was younger I was moody, fat-ish, and didn't smile or felt pretty. I really felt like I didn't deserve to be happy, because I never was.
It would have been a great help had I smiled more and took better care of my body.

"Find a way to go back in time!":
No, not really. Of course, if those things were to have been erased, newer events similar to these would have happened anyway. It's good to know that we're all continuously learning, because I don't want to make the same mistakes over and over again. I have my experiences that I learned from and give the same advice to others.

What would you tell yourself in the past if you had the chance?

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