Friday, August 9, 2013

They might be Kaiju

Another one of my close friends is having a birthday today and I decided to write another special post based on his interests. With the new Godzilla movie coming up, I decided that this would be perfect for today's post! Everyone has at least heard of Godzilla, right? The giant lizard who stomps around Tokyo? Well there is more to this giant lizard than meets the eye.

They might be Giant:
In Japan, Godzilla and other similar creatures are known as Kaiju, which literally means "strange creature", while in the USA, the word translates roughly to "giant monster". Surprizingly, monsters like vampireswerewolvesFrankensteinmummies and zombies would also fall into this kaiju category.
There are about 31 Kaiju which are typically modeled after animals, insects or mythological creatures. However, there are a few that modeled after ordinary objects and food. Most popular and well known of the Kaiju being Godzilla, other notable Kaiju include GameraMothraKing GhidorahMechagodzilla and Rodan.

Mothra might just be an oversized moth though...

More than just it's size:
 Kaiju are more than just big bad building stompers. Kaiju have alignments and they have heart!
"Kaiju are sometimes depicted as cannon fodder serving a greater evil. Some Kaiju are elite warriors which serve as the right-hand man to the greater villain and are destroyed by the heroic forces. Others have a neutral alignment, only seeking to destroy buildings and other structures. [...] [later in television, after becoming good] These kaiju adopted many classic monster traits, appearing as the "Misunderstood Creature". Godzilla, [...], has played the roles of hero, villain, and force of nature in the course of his existence, one of the few Kaiju of any type to be depicted in multiple roles [...]." - Wikipedia

King of Monsters:
When I think Godzilla, I think 'giant lizard that grew from too much radiation'. I'm not quite that far off.
"Godzilla was created as a metaphor for nuclear weapons." - Wikipedia
[...] Inspired by the fictional Rhedosaurus [...] Godzilla's iconic character design was conceived as that of an amphibious reptilian monster based around the loose concept of a dinosaur[12] [...] Art director Akira Watanabe combined attributes of a Tyrannosaurus, an Iguanodon, a Stegosaurus and an alligator[14] to form a sort of blended chimera, [...] To emphasise the monster's relationship with the atomic bomb, its skin texture was inspired by the keloid scars seen on Hiroshima's survivors.[16] [...] Godzilla's distinctive roar, was created [...] by rubbing a resin coated glove along the string of a contrabass and then slowing down the playback.[17] 
(Godzilla, the Tyrano-guano-stegosaur-alligator! Interesting...)

 The very first Godzilla movie was debuted in 1954, just around the time after the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Lucky Dragon 5 incident. The movie tells of a giant monster, named Godzilla, who was mutated by nuclear radiation. This was the first of many Kaiju films released in Japan, setting the standard for the genre and future Kaiju films, many of which feature Godzilla. Which explains why Godzilla is so well known.

Although Godzilla is considered the "King of Monsters", he isn't quite the 'protector of humanity'.
"Godzilla's allegiance has changed from film to film to suit the needs of the story. Although Godzilla does not like humans,[31] it will fight alongside humanity against common threats. However, it makes no special effort to protect human life or property[32] and will turn against its human allies on a whim.
So basically, Godzilla has a Chaotic Neutral alignment.
When inquired if Godzilla was "good or bad", producer Shogo Tomiyama likened it to a Shinto "God of Destruction" which lacks moral agency and cannot be held to human standards of good and evil. "He totally destroys everything and then there is a rebirth. Something new and fresh can begin."[19]" 

Godzilla, Chaotic Neutral Japanese God-like (Tyrano-guano-stegosaur-alligator) of Destruction. More than just a simple building stomping mutated lizard we all knew it/him to be.

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