Wednesday, August 7, 2013

How to feel like a Goddess

I'm a big advocate to feeling good, sexy and just plain awesome, regardless of whatever size you are. I love how we are more and more becoming accepting with our body types. 'Fat-equality' is just as important as gender-equality, marriage-equality, and geek-equality (I'll talk about this another time).

They didn't care about size, so why should you?
Even quotes that advocate to loving your body:
"Please, please remember that if you didn't hate yourself, they couldn't sell you anything to fix it. Don't believe any of it! I would never question your worth and I don't think you should either!"
-April O'Peel

How to become a Goddess:
Feel free to change 'Goddess' to something you would prefer, like Siren, Pirate Queen, Queen, Overlord. You know, something that makes you feel really good!

"Should I wear my hair up or down?"

To me flowy fabrics, leather, and lots of colors work best. It feels like I am a Greek Goddess. Maybe you're more of a modern business casual kind of Goddess. A leather-clad Amazonian perhaps?
It can be as much or as little as you'd like. Do what makes you feel good.

Smelling good and being around scents that make you feel good are important. Did you know that scent and memories are closely linked?
[...] [T]he olfactory bulb is part of the brain's limbic system, an area so closely associated with memory and feeling, [...], smell can call up memories and powerful responses almost instantaneously.
The olfactory bulb has intimate access to the amygdala, which processes emotion, and the hippocampus, which is responsible for associative learning. -
So use associative learning to your advantage. Feeling good & smelling good = other's will associate your scent with good feelings (and of you being happy). Then, scent = others feel good around you.

Inner thoughts:

When you think about yourself in a positive light, you'll feel confident. When you feel so good, so positive and confidant, you just shine, you'll glow! You'll naturally attract similar people to you. You may even *gasp* attract a man into your life!

Don't worry, shes got this!
Some of you may not know what I am talking about and that is okay, here is an exercises to do to get you started.

This can be an emotionally hard exercise to do, but well worth it when you succeed!

Believe you're pretty exercise:
Look at your face in the mirror, do you like what you see?
Smile. Look again in the mirror. How about now?
What are you feeling? What thoughts are flowing through your head?
If they are really negative, literally tell yourself out-loud, "Stop" (did it work?)
Tell yourself, preferably out-loud, "I'm so (pretty/beautiful/gorgeous/etc...)"
Now say "I love you"
Do you feel good when you say it, when you see yourself saying it?
You feel happy? Then congrats! Keep doing it whenever necessary!
If not, repeat the exercise over and over again, for many days, until you are happy with yourself.

I'm not really here to be a self-help guru. I just want women, and men, to being okay with themselves, and loving every inch! Flab and all!

So go ahead, don't cut yourself short, be free to shine!

There seems to be a pattern here:

Do what makes you feel good!

Men can do this too!
I know you guys are like "I don't do all that frou-frou stuff".
Well, how about this. Do you want tons of women (and/or men) to be attracted to you? Do you want to feel confident about yourself? Do you want to be seen in a positive way?

Becoming a God:
Now you may not actually become a god that can throw down lightning bolts, but you can have the feel of one.
Smell Manly:
"He smells like he just did the laundry, Omg that's so hot!"
When you guys smell really good, we ladies just can resist you. It's a serious turn-on, whether or not we voice our opinions, if you smell good, we notice!

Feel Confident:
"Women don't go after bad boys,they go after confident men who know what they want"
It's that simple. Find the things that make you feel confident. It might be an article of clothing, a signature cologne, or just a picture you see everyday. When you are confident others will notice, and may even respect you, more than before.
Would you respect a guy who's a doormat? No not really. He's a pushover, so why should you respect him when he doesn't feel confident in himself to not let others walk all over him.
Now don't be cocky-confident, that's just being a jerk! I'm talking about the guy how just has this bounce in his step. He knows he's awesome and shows it in his body language, in his eyes.

Think Positively:
No one likes a confident asshole, so think happy thoughts, you know, those guy thoughts that make you happy. Whatever those are. I don't know cause I'm not a guy. Drink beer, hot chicks, some other stereotypical guy stuff...
When you exude positivity, you attract like minded people. You might even  *gasp!* get the woman of your dreams!

Wait a minute, this kinda sounds like the stuff you said before.
Well, that's because it is! Just formulated for guys to handle. You don't do that frou-frou stuff remember?

So ladies (and gentlemen), there you have it. To feel good both inside and out. Don't be afraid to shine that inner light of yours. It starts with loving yourself and ending with feeling and looking awesome inside and out!
So what do you got to lose?

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