Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Motherhood: is it for me?

Yesterday I went to a friends' baby shower. I had a good time, got to play with my friends kids. Remembering when those kids were babies and toddlers way back then. It was fun.
It just seems so strange seeing my friends grow up from how they were then, to how they are now. More Adult-like, responsible. Cooler.
Yes, cooler.
I am somewhat envious of my parenthood friends and co-workers. They have this attitude that says "I'm more confident, responsible, and mature. Also, don't mess with my babies". As if you're looking at a wild mamma bear and you go "Whoa, shit just got real!".

Biological Ticks:

For a while now, my body's been in 'baby-making mode', I mean I've been 'in the mood' more often than not. I can feel my body just want to have children.

Heck, my mind keeps saying "I'm ready for a baby, I want to have a baby", like some sort of mommy-mantra.

Oh yeah, my biological clock is definitely ticking...

The question is "Am I ready to become a mother?".
Actually, the better question would be "Will I be dumb enough to get knocked up?".
I hear so many ladies more or less say "I didn't plan this pregnancy". I guess you could say that one of the joys of parenthood is that it sneaks up on you. Just when you least expect it.
It takes two, and I really don't have another person in my life in order for that to happen. Well, not yet...

Life with Children:

What worries me the most is the high stress situations. I don't do high stress. I avoid conflict whenever necessary.
With children, you can't do that.

At my workplace, I see a lot of happy babies that just brighten the day. Then, you see the toddler screaming its head off because it didn't get its way.
Do I really want that?

Or even when they get older, teenagers. I see the good and the bad. Mood swings and really inappropriate clothing.
'what if my child becomes a druggie or a teen mom?'
It can happen.

But then there's a period in every parents' life where they are rewarded with children who will take care of their needs when they become elderly! So it all works out! Right?

Life without kids:

There are a lot of people these days who don't have kids and are living a rather nice lifestyle.
So no kids = better lifestyle?

I mean sure, they don't have to pay for unhealthy kiddie food, lots of children's clothing, toys, school supplies. All that money gets invested into nice houses, pets, maybe even travelling expenses and boats. But they don't get to experience all the joys (and pains) of parenthood.

Freedom, is really what it narrows down to. 'Can I do this with children?'. I've heard of stories of parents living an alternative lifestyle, like world travel, with children. It is possible, but that sort of lifestyle would take a lot of planning and wise money management.

Motherhood is like another world to me. It really feels like I'm 'not a part of their world'. Until I have children of my own, I will never understand.
One day I will have to join, or forever be childless.

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