Wednesday, September 4, 2013

My first day back to college!

Yesterday, being my first day at college, was a little iffy. When I first woke up this morning I was in a panic thinking I overslept, only to find I was ahead of my alarm by 30 minutes.
Go figure.
I went back to sleep and woke up again when the alarm went off. Got up, ate breakfast and made a cup of a much needed warm caffeinated beverage which will soon be my morning friend.

Driving to school felt like getting back on a bike after a really long time. I knew the way, it just seemed slightly foreign to me.
I felt slightly resistant to going back to school. The work, the lectures, the commitment to finishing the classes.
After a certain point in my drive to school, those feelings just seemed to ebb away, school seemed to be what I was meant to do. I was going to get through this A-okay!

Finding a parking space was really fun, the lots were almost full. The one particular lot I wanted to park in was already full, so I went to the next closest one. I made a mental note to come to school early on Tuesdays.

First class was uneventful, going over the materials and syllabus, but I enjoyed the professor. He seems like an okay guy, pretty funny, and very efficient, intellectual, my kind of professor.

One thing I forgot about these classrooms were that I tend to get sweat, my hands tend to puff up and retain water, and after a while of sitting with sweat makes my butt itch and other parts start chaffing. It might be the air-conditioning, or maybe it was my choice of clothing, I just hope that it will quickly pass.

After class ended, everywhere was so overcrowded. So, so overcrowded! Too many people for my liking! With all the time I had to waste I went to my favorite spot, the library!

It seemed like time was passing slowly when I sat down in a cubicle. Thank you Lappy! I don't know how I would've survived after 3 hours of nothing! (I probably would have read a book, which I ended up doing...)
In those three hours; I read the first few chapters in my textbook for next class, found another book, read a few chapters and took notes, and emailed my professor a quick question about Stock Market and how to get started.

About a half hour before my next class I decided to lighten up my backpack and grab some food. Now the cafe food is good, but free food is awesome! There were people from nearby places, like Applebee's, giving away samples. Since I was going to get food anyway, why not have free food! I still went to the cafe to grab a water and some snacks for break, if I got a break.

Like the first class, the second class was also seemed uneventful: going over the syllabus, learning every fellow students names, talked about the textbook, took a break. The professor rambled a lot and isn't quite as methodical, he's pretty fun! He's definitely had a lot of experience. He only skimmed the first chapter of the text book and didn't really 'go by the book' and I had a hard time keeping up with him. I may have a harder time with this course.

One thing in this class, that I haven't had in previous classes, is group work. If there is one thing I dislike, it's group-work. I prefer to work alone, or at least if in a group everyone needs to pull their weight.

Our group assignment was based on investing, what a coincidence! I have 2 out of 4 people in my group, chosen by me, who know about and trade stock. Lucky me! I love my intuition!!!

Upon returning home I received another coincidence, my first class's professor replied to me about the stock market. A few books, a TV show and we'll be talking about stocks later in the course. Some information which I most likely will use for my next class!
I love when things work together...

Overall, I am now excited for school and can't wait to learn!
Til next post! (which will most likely be on Wednesdays)